Visit the Museum and Visitors
Center in Luby Bay for a look at the lake's rich history. It's open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
daily throughout the summer.
the Entree Gallery on Reeder Bay Road. Featured showings of regional artists.
a lunch and paddle through the thoroughfare to Upper Priest Lake.
along a set of clubs and tackle the beautiful Priest Lake 18-hole Golf Course. Call (208) 443-2525 for tee times.
up a map of hiking trails from the US Forest Service Priest Lake Ranger Station on Highway
57 or from NW Map. Consider the beautiful
Navigation Trail from Beaver Creek to Upper Priest. More great adventures:
Grove of Ancient Cedars Scenic Area
A unique area of old-growth cedar named for President Theodore Roosevelt, 14 miles north
of Nordman. These giants range from 4 to 12 feet in diameter and reach heights of 150
feet. Average age estimated at 800 years, with a few reaching back 2000-3000 years. There
is a one-mile loop trail around Granite Falls and an easy foot trail along the creek that
leads you to a viewpoint of the Lower Falls cascading over a sheer rock wall.

American Falls
Near the Canadian border, the Upper Priest River flows over a rock outcrop to form a
stunning wall of white water, also known as Upper Priest Falls.

Hanna Flats
The nature trail takes visitors on a short walk through a cedar grove that survived
the 1926 fire, burning over 80,000 acres in the Priest Lake area. Located near the USFS
ranger station.

Hunt Lake
A small mountain lake at the base of Gunsight Peak. Access trailhead from the
Horten Creek Road via the East Shore Road.

Petie Lake
A fragile 10-acre closed watershed (no streams in or out). Access by a jeep trail from
USFS road #311.

Hughes Ridge Lookout
A panoramic view from the crow's nest at 45-ft above the top of the world. Drive 16 miles
on forest service roads then hike about 1/2 mile to see Upper Priest Lake, Hughes Meadows,
and surrounding ridges.
a fishing expedition for trophy-sized Mackinaw with an expert guide.
picking season is July through August. The best secret areas for picking include Lamb
Creek Road and Kalispell Creek Road -- make your own pie! Or... grab a huck pie from the
Tamarak on Hwy 57 or Leonard Paul Store-- they're greeeeatttt!!!!
Vinther-Nelson Historic Cabin is located on 8-mile island and is accessible only by boat.
The log cabin was built in the late 1800's.
a ride down the rock slides at the Lion Head campground on the east side.
a laser sail boat or paddle board at Hill's Resort in Luby Bay.
your kayak or inflatable down the 44 miles of the Priest River, with rapids to Class
are miles upon miles of single track, double track, jeep trails and fire roads that
provide riding opportunities for mountain bikers
of all ages and abilities.
out the Tyee II. The old 82-ft gas engine commercial boat lies half-submerged in Mosquito
Bay. The Tyee II was used for towing logs in the 1940's.
Grab a
great deli sandwich on your way at the Falls Tavern (mile post 8 on Hwy 57).
late summer and early fall, brew a pot of French Roast and stay up late for
the northern lights. Don't forget your star gazing guide to identify all the